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Fishing Reels

Top Selling Fishing Reels

All Fishing Reels

Fishing Reels

As NZ’s best fishing store, we offer a huge range of fishing reels from the world’s biggest manufacturers. As passionate anglers with over 40 years of combined experience, it’s our job to ensure you have access to the latest products from all over the world. To better understand our full range of fishing reels we have provided the below overview of what we have to offer. 
  • Spinning Reels: Alongside electric reels, spin reels are often the most technically advanced fishing reels in the market. No matter your target species we stock all size spin reels from 1000 to 30000.  
  • Overhead Fishing Reels: Still a Kiwi staple overhead reels are a popular option when fishing vertically. This includes bait fishing with ledger rigs, Live bait fishing, stray lining and more. 
  • Electric Fishing Reels: Growing in popularity electric reels are a great way to target deep water species with incredible ease. For an in-depth rundown on all things electric reels check out our full buying guide. 
  • Game Fishing Reels: Whether you are trolling game lures or deep dropping for Broadbill swordfish we have a full range of game fishing reels that cover all bases. 
  • Baitcaster Fishing Reels: A popular way to slow jig for snapper all over the country bait cast reels provide an easy user experience. Growing in popularity is the art of soft baiting with baitcasting reels. Pending completion is our ultimate buying guide for baitcasting reels. Check it out soon! 
  • Softbait Fishing Reels: One of NZ’s most popular methods for chasing snapper, trevally, kahawai & kingfish. Now incorporating micro baiting we stock a full range of softbait reels from 1000 size to 5000 size. 
  • Surf Casting Reels: Specifically designed to increase casting distance from the shore, surf reels are a great way to target NZ table fish. 
  • Jigging Reels: Targeting pelagic fish such as Kingfish, Hapuka, Bass, Bluenose & more is extremely productive with the correct jigging reel. Jigging reels are generally narrower to allow easier line lay however double as great reels for live bait fishing. 
For a full rundown on choosing the perfect fishing reel check out our expert buying guide on ‘The best fishing reels in NZ’. When considering your next reel here are a few things to consider:

Matching your new reel with the perfect rod

Now that you have chosen the perfect fishing reel, it’s time to match it with your dream fishing rod. To ensure you are well up to speed with the latest in rod technology check out our latest buying guides below. 


The latest in Reel Technology 

When considering your next reel we encourage becoming familiar with key features our brands offer. Below are a few to highlight:
  • Daiwa MQ Body Technology: Daiwa MQ technology has revolutionised spinning reels since its introduction. The one-piece design allows the use of a larger gear, improved sealing & direct connection between the handle & main shaft. 
  • Daiwa Magseal: First developed & used by NASA, magseal was introduced to Daiwa’s reels to prevent water from entering the reels. Quickly becoming a market-leading technology to increase the performance & longevity of Daiwa fishing reels. 
  • Shimano Hagane: A series of reel technologies designed to create increased & optimal performance across the Shimano range. Hegane has become a trusted technology kiwi anglers now reply on for great performing gear.
  • Penn IPX Sealing: Penn IPX Ratings are independently verified ensuring no water ingress during a submersion testing process. 


Keep accessorised 

Regardless of your targeting with your new reel, here is a list of key accessories we think will keep you looking fresh on the water or the bricks. 
  • Fishing Sunglasses: It’s not just important to keep you looking good to ensure you stay unaffected by the sun whilst out fishing. Our expert team have pulled together a buying guide for the best fishing glasses!
  • Lo-Cab Apparel: One of the hottest brands in fishing keeping you looking sharp. Learn more about the Lo-Cab brand here. 
  • Chilly Bins for your fish: Caring for your catch is the key to enjoying your feed of fresh fish. Our team have pulled together NZ’s best range of coolers. 
  • Lures: It’s a key ingredient to getting the best out of your softbait reel. Check out NZ’s best selection of softbaits, hard body lures, topwater lures, game lures & more. 
  • Fishing Jackets: You can’t afford to get wet when on the water; therefore check out the full offering of waterproof jackets. 

Why shop with Land & Sea

Land & Sea works closely with the world-leading fishing brands available in NZ. We are focused on showcasing the best that our brands have to offer &along with providing you with buying guides to ensure you purchase the correct product. Our brands include the likes of Shimano, Daiwa, Penn, Okuma, Accurate & many more. We are experts in our field – check out our buying guides to ensure you are buying the right product for you!



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